Saturday, December 15, 2012

Heather Graham's Writers for New Orleans Conference

I’m attending my third writing conference of the year, this time the Heather Graham presents Writer’s for New Orleans.  Every conference has its unique flavor.  I loved the Florida Writers Association in October that featured four sessions at a time, educational lectures focusing on improving your writing; such as character development, poetry sessions, or social media info.

In contrast the Heather Graham has only a single session at a time, all featuring successful published authors or agents in panel discussions giving real tips on being a professional author.  In both cases the attendees included a high percentage of novice writers, but in this conference the ratio of successful authors is much higher, and with the smaller attendees there’s a lot of opportunities for one-on-one discussions of their success stories.  I’ve found I’m where I thought I was on the professional level; above the beginners but nowhere near the professionals.  With my eleven books and dozens of articles I’m certainly somewhat established, but there are authors here with twenty books, with 500,000 copies sold, New York Times Best Sellers, and they’re very personable.  Conferences.  Yep, if you’re going to be a writer, it’s where you should go.